1929 京都帝国大学 工学部





1929 京都帝国大学 工学部

易□ 並□ 難□

【1】 Find the inflexion point of a curve,

y=l ( xl- 3 x3 l3 + 2x 4 l4 )

where x is pssitive and smaller than l.

1929 京都帝国大学 工学部

易□ 並□ 難□

【2】 Determine the ratio of the depth h to the inner diameter d of an open cylindrical vessel, to make the necessary material minimum for a given capacity A when the base and the side are of equal thickness t.

1929 京都帝国大学 工学部

易□ 並□ 難□

【3】 The surface of water in a rotating cylinder about its vertical axis is a paraboloid of rebolution. Find the lowest depth a of the water, when the inner diameter 2r, the volume V of the water and the maximum difference h of the height are given.

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